Monday, March 30, 2015

Foods rich in antioxidants

The antioxidant is a substance that prevents formation of free radicals. In our body, there are natural antioxidants, which are nothing more than vitamins found in our food or vitamin supplements, and minerals and trace elements that act as synthetic and oral antioxidants. The free radical antioxidant combated by favor cell aging and in addition, provide more health. Foods rich in antioxidants are fruits and vegetables, although not the only ones. It is difficult to say exact values ??of antioxidants in foods, so it is difficult to define their daily consumption.

Check out some foods rich in antioxidants:

- Oats: Oats, the silicon source, helps structuring the skin and reducing the appearance of cellulite. The beta-glucan present in the Oat molecule capable of improving blood circulation also hinders the absorption of fat.

- Olive oil: rich in monounsaturated fats, olive oil has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

- Horsetail tea, gotu kola and dandelion: used for diuretic action, detoxify the body and reduce swelling. The spark stimulates blood circulation and the dandelion eliminates toxins.

- Citrus fruits that some fruits such as lemon, orange and guava contains vitamin C, bioflavonoids beyond responsible for increasing the tone of the veins and promote blood circulation.

- Fish: as excellent sources of omega three and fat, fish and some other seafood, prevent diseases such as osteoporosis.

- Red fruits: strawberry and red and purple grapes have protoantocianidina, a substance that helps to strengthen the blood and lymph vessels, improving circulation.

- Papaya and pineapple: the two fruits have different properties and benefits. Paleo diet Both contain antiedemas properties beyond their proteolytic enzymes that help digest protein.

- Melon: melon is extremely important in blood pH alkaline, especially when it is taken with the seeds.

- Pumpkin seed: just as sunflower seed, consumption of pumpkin seeds help in the process of making the pH more alkaline blood, removing these inflammations.

- Sage: salvia helps regulate female hormones, especially estrogen, related to the development of cellulite.

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