Sunday, March 29, 2015

What is the proper treatment for obesity?

aMedical treatment of obesity involves the combination of diet, low calorie, behavioral modification, and increased physical activity. When the life-style modification is unable to achieve the objectives of the use of anti-obesity drugs is required.

The problem with this type of treatment or approach is the inability of many obese patients lose weight or to maintain the weight previously lost. In severe obesity - BMI ? 40 kg/m2 or greater than 35 with morbidity - have at least five years of development of its obesity and multiple ineffective medical treatments, surgery may be recommended.

What kind of benefits can be expected from weight loss?

The weight loss sustained over the long term, is essential. 
The Paleo Diet There are countless benefits it brings to health in general and to improve the quality of life. Also reduces mortality and contributes relentlessly to improve chronic illnesses. Small weight loss (decrease of five to ten percent of starting weight) improves glycemic control, decrease blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Also feel less breathing difficulties, apnea in sleep benefits and daytime sleepiness as well as problems in the osteoarticular (variable depending on the injury).

What is the impact of weight loss on cardiovascular disease and hypertension?

The weight loss reduces cardiovascular risk by positive effects in reducing blood pressure and hypercoagulable processes. This improvement greatly influences the type of adopted diet (salt restriction and saturated fats), physical activity and the abolition of smoking.

The intentional weight loss reduces mortality in obese patients with associated cardiovascular disease.

 What is the impact of weight loss in type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance syndrome?
Improved glycemic control between ten to twenty percent. In this type of pathology, the adoption of an appropriate diet and increased physical activity also seem to have a potentiating effect of benefit in terms of health gains. P
aleo diet plan The loss of voluntary weight reduces mortality in obese patients with type 2 diabetes.

What is the impact of weight loss on dyslipidemia (increased fat levels in the blood)?

The mixed dyslipidaemia (cholesterol and triglycerides) easily improved with weight loss even when it is modest.

What is the impact of weight loss on ovarian function?

The improved insulin sensitivity achieved with the loss of five percent by weight, favorably reflected in the obese woman with hirsutism and polycystic ovaries. This improvement is reflected in the recovery of menstrual cycles, and sometimes resulting in actual ovulation and fertility.

What is the impact of weight loss in cancer?

There are to date scientific evidence to say that weight loss has favorable effects on the evolution of certain types of cancers in obese people.

In breast cancer, it can be concluded that such a relationship exists, associating weight loss to a more favorable clinical course of cancer process.

What is the impact of weight loss in obese children and adolescents?
The loss of three per cent of the body weight decreases significantly the blood pressure in obese adolescents. P
aleo diet foods If the weight loss program includes exercise, improvements in voltage levels are more pronounced. Weight loss also contributes to reducing plasma triglycerides and insulin, as well as increasing HDL cholesterol in proportion to the percentage weight loss.

In children and adolescents with type 2 diabetes (usually the obese adult), weight loss, although difficult, is more effective in improving glycemic control when the diet was low in carbohydrates. The improvement is also evident in cases of hepatic steatosis (fatty liver) and results from the reduction of hyperinsulinemia and increased insulin sensitivity.

Where to turn to diagnose and treat obesity?
The family doctor in your health center. It is for the doctor to assess the type of obesity and reference it, if necessary, to the hospital of obesity queries.

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